Technical Components

NETZ Treasuries decentralized application (dApp) relies on two key components:

  1. Treasury & Swap Smart Contracts:

Deployed on the Ethereum blockchain that govern the management of the USDT treasury.

They automate fee collection from NTZC swaps, ensure secure storage of USDT funds, and facilitate all profit distribution to investors. These contracts once deployed are immutable and can never be changed.

  1. Front-end UI Application:

The user interface allows investors to interact with the USDT treasury directly without the need for a backend that runs on a cloud provider. It provides functionalities for monitoring the treasury balance, swap fee accumulation, and anything else required for investment management

Decentralized Operation:

a. Decentralized Application (dApp): The NETZ platform functions as a dApp, meaning it operates on a decentralized network. There is no central authority controlling the platform or the treasury.

b. Blockchain Visibility: All transactions related to the treasury, including deposits, fees, and future potential distribution, are permanently recorded on the Ethereum blockchain.

Liquidity Providers:

Liquidity Providers (LPs) play a crucial role in the NETZ Treasury Pool by supplying liquidity to the pool, enabling smooth and help in providing USDT liquidity for swapping NTZC to USDT. They earn profit from each swap proportional to their investment.

Earning with NETZ

Investors in the NETZ treasury can earn stable returns through our well-structured investment model. By participating in our liquidity pool, investors provide the necessary capital for our payment settlement operations, and in return, they receive a share of the transaction fees generated by the platform. These fees are accrued from the high volume of commodity trades facilitated by NETZ, ensuring a consistent and lucrative income stream for our investors.

Here, we outline their role and the steps involved in participating as an LP:

Role of Liquidity Providers:

· Deposit: LPs deposit USDT into the Treasury Pool, providing the necessary liquidity for commodity trades. LPs earn swap fees, which are auto-compounded to maximize returns.

· Withdrawal: LPs (Liquidity Providers) can withdraw their deposits at any time. However, if the treasury balance is 50% less than liquidity provided by depositors/LP, they need to wait until the pool is balanced for their withdrawal.

Funds Delta =>Treasury balance - (totalLiquidityProvided- adminInvestments)

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